What Is A Key Parlay

Main Difference

What Is A Key Parlay

That doesn’t mean you can’t win a parlay and enjoy the big payday it provides though. Here’s a detailed explanation of parlay betting, to how you can place a parlay bet, and some of the odds on today’s most popular parlays. Parlay betting explained. A parlay bet essentially combines two or more bets into one wager. The payouts increase exponentially on parlays because you have to win every bet, or leg, that is part of the parlay. Definition of parlay (Entry 2 of 2): a series of two or more bets so set up in advance that the original stake plus its winnings are risked on the successive wagers broadly: the fresh risking of an original stake.

The key, in addition to gaining valuable skills and contacts, lies in parlaying an internship into full-time work. It allows you to combine multiple wagers into one collectively dependent bet that drums up the monetary value of your return on successful gambles. These types of bets should be part and parcel of every sports gamblers repertoire, if only because it introduces.

The main difference between Parlay and Parley is that Parlay is a single bet or so many bets where the stake and winnings are cumulatively carried to succeeding wager, whereas Parley is a meeting, discussion, or conference between the enemies opponents.”

Parlay vs. Parley

A parlay is a noun as well as a verb. As a noun, it means “A bet or the series of bets where the winnings are cumulatively carried forward.” Parley is also a noun and a verb, and it means “A meeting or conference between the two opponents.”

Parlay as a verb means “to carry or bring forward the stake or winnings from series of the bets” For example, “He parlayed his blackjack winnings.” It also means “To increase,” “to talk about peace,” or “to exploit something into a more valuable thing.” Parley, as a verb, means “to confer with an enemy.” It also means to negotiate or to discuss. For example, “The leaders plan to parley their differences in a neutral location.”


To parlay means placing a bet with an already existing winning series of bets. To parley means to have a meaningful discussion specifically between the enemies or opposing parties. In simple words, parlay means to bet, whereas parley is a discussion.

A parlay is an American word that originated from the term ‘paroli.’ This was a gaming term having French and Italian origins. Parley is originated from the French word “parler,” which means to speak.

The inflections of parlay are parlayed and parlaying. The inflectional forms of parley are parleyed and parleying. The word parlay has six letters with the pronunciation [pär’lā’]. The word parley has the same number of letters with a difference of second last letter with “parlay.” It is pronounced as [pär’lē].

Whats A Key Parlay

Comparison Chart

To place a bet with a series of bets using cumulative winningsTo have a meaningful discussion specifically between the enemies or opposing parties
Parts of Speech
Noun, verbNoun, verb
French “parole originating from an Italian word that means “words or promises.”From the French word “parler which means to speak
Six with ‘a’ as second last letterSix with ‘e’ as second last letter
Parlayed, parlayingParleyed, parleying

What is Parlay?

The term parlay is a noun and also a verb. As a noun, it has the meaning “a cumulative series of winning bets which is bet again.” It means “to make another bet by using the winnings from a previous bet.” Parlay has the pronunciation [pär’lā’]. It comes from a French “parole,” originating from Italian a word that means “words or promises.” The history of this word in English traced back to 1701 as a term in the card game named “faro.”

A parlay is the winning that is following an early series of winning. For example, “He parlayed his blackjack winnings.” The inflections of parlay are parlayed and parlaying. Another meaning of parlay is to exploit or invest something into a more valuable thing. For example, “He parlayed a simple invention into a national bestseller with an infomercial.”


  • “He parlayed his assignment into a deal.”
  • The recognition must have to parlay into a lucrative celebrity.
  • He parlayed a considerable investment into a company with millions in revenues.
  • My friend parlayed a 400 dollars investment into a mega-dollar business.

What Does Parlay Mean

What is Parley?

Parley is a word that comes under the category of the noun, as well as the verb. It has more than one meaning. In simpler words, parlay means a speech or conversation. It is a specific speech between two enemies or opponents. Hence Parley means “a negotiation or discussion between the two enemies.” As a noun, it means a speech or discussion, whereas as a verb, it means to discuss or to hold any discussion.

What Is A Parlay Wager

Parley is known to be any discussion, negotiation or conference, between enemies. It can be over various terms or matters. Parley holds great importance. To attack any member of the opposition party during a parley was considered an extreme breach, and it was against the rules of war. The inflectional forms of Parley are parleyed and parleying. The term parley has the pronunciation [pär’lē]. It is derived from the French word parler, which means “to speak.”


  • “Solomon’s successor parleyed with them.”
  • “His enemies asked for a parley with the intention of murdering him.”
  • They may refuse to parley with their opponents.
  • The politicians plan a parley with the minister of another country.
  • The tribe was parleying with the king.

Key Differences

  1. The verb parlay means “bringing the stake or winnings forward from a bet onto a subsequent wager”; on the other hand, the verb parley means “to confer with an enemy.” It also means to negotiate or to discuss.
  2. The noun parlay means “A single bet or so many bets where the stake and winnings are cumulatively carried forward”; in contrast, parley means “A meeting or conference between the two opponents.”
  3. Parlay from the French word “parole” originating from the Italian word that means “words or promises; on the flip side, parley is originated from the French word “parler,” which means to speak.
  4. To parlay means placing a bet with a series of bets using cumulative winnings, whereas to parley means to have a meaningful discussion specifically between the enemies or opposing parties.
  5. Parlay has the pronunciation [pär’lā’]; on the contrary, parley is pronounced as [pär’lē].
  6. The word parlay has ‘a’ as its second last alphabet; conversely, the word parley has ‘e’ as its second-last letter.
  7. Parlay means to bet; on the contrary, parley is a discussion.
  8. The inflections of parlay are parlayed, and parlaying; on the other side, the inflectional forms of parley are parleyed and parleying.


What Is Parlay Bet

Parlay, and Parley are homophones in the English language. They have almost the same pronunciation but significantly different meanings. There is also a difference in their spelling, and the two terms greatly vary from one another based on their meaning and usage.